Wildlife Action Group

WAG is a grassroots NGO co-managing two governmental protected forest reserves in Central Malawi.

Their work focuses on —————>

  • Stopping the illegal poaching of African wildlife including elephants, pangolins, antelopes, monkeys, leopards.

  • Protect and conserve an important biodiversity hotspot in Malawi for animals, birds, insects, plants and trees. The forest reserves where they work are some of the few protected areas where elephant and buffalo still live.

  • Work holistically with local communities to help protect and conserve the forest and wildlife through education, wildlife law enforcement and income generating activities.

  • Ending deforestation of the forest reserves.

LYNN CLIFFORD, founder of Wildlife Action Group

“The Abraham Foundation welcomed Wildlife Action Group into their family in 2013. We are proud of our extremely close relationship and know we have a trusted, loyal, supportive partner who always go that extra mile to ensure the project is successful.

Nancy Abraham is a passionate & dedicated conservationist who has a deep feeling for wildlife and people and who take a personal interest in all aspect of our work with regular communication and sharing of ideas and skills. Our project has seen huge positive conservation impacts on the ground with our Elephant population increasing, increased number of rangers, a huge reduction in poaching and we are seeing these two protected areas landscapes being restored.”